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Download Clue - Master Detective

Clue - Master Detective
231 kb



Have you ever wanted to be a detective? To solve crimes that are beyond the understanding of most human beings? To be listed in the phone book of Scotland Yard, and to be known to their best investigators as the Master Detective? Well, then ... you'll have to find some other game.

Clue - Master Detective is based on the popular boardgame known as Cluedo (or Clue, for those who live in North America), in which you are given the task of solving a simple murder through deduction. Basically, you wander around and make suggestions in order to outline who did it, which weapon was used, and where it was done. You can choose the "who" and the "what" freely, but in order to suggest a murder scene, you have to be in the correct room. If you are wrong in your suggestion, the parts that are false will be added to your "nothing to do with the murder" notes.

So, how does it work? In the beginning, all cards (persons, weapons, rooms) are shuffled and dealt among the players (at least three humans or a human player against the computer) - except for one card from every genre, which will be taken out in advance as the murderer, murder weapon, and murder scene. You choose your character (or characters if you play with your friends) among ten guests, who all have brief descriptions. The computer, when playing the part of the other detectives, has three difficulty levels (which can unfortunately all be beaten easily). Basically, the game works the same way as the original boardgame, but with a small difference: there are twelve rooms and four addional characters.

There are no voices or music, the graphics are dated, and the idea doesn't fit a computer game very well. It is nothing more than a short, computerized version of a well-known boardgame by Parker Brothers, that has nothing to say to the gaming industry.

Cluedo fans will probably like this game the most - when they're not playing against each other in a real game.


Reviewed by: Wael / Screenshots by: Wael / Uploaded by: Wael / share on facebook

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