5 Days a Stranger

5 Days a Stranger is a point-and-click adventure game that was made in 2003 by Fully Ramblomatic. This game was the first adventure game I ever played and is still one of my favorites. 

Cat burglar Trilby got more than he bargained for when he broke into the DeFoe Mansion. He has been locked inside with four other people by an invisible intelligence. One that will do anything to keep them there. Even murder... 

The gameplay is fun and the puzzles can be somewhat difficult. This game was made with an adventure game scripting system called AGS. Definitely a game worth playing. 

NOTE: The cutscenes in this game are VERY gory and bloody, so this game is not for the squeamish. Alternatively, you could read the walkthrough before you play the game, so you won't be surprised.

Reviewed by: Fawfulhasfury Download 5 Days a Stranger | Abandonia

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User Reviews

All things considered, it's a very good game
Posted on: 2013-05-07 by vick8425
5 days a Stranger tells the story of Trilby, an infamous cat burglar, who just got a new job in the Defoe Mansion, currently vacant after the last owner killed his wife and then himself. Once inside, the thief discovers that not only is the safe empty, but he cannot get out, and that he's not alone. A group of very different people seem to be in his same situation (and some even for the same reasons), but no one can figure out why, exactly, they can't leave. Add to that creepy BGM, weird dreams, and gore-y murders, and you have Five days a Stranger! The highlight of the game is it's story (you can play it as a stand-alone, or with the whole Chzo Mythos - which is highly recommended, as the story is really good), but it has it's issues... Problems with gameplay, graphic quality, a bug with the stairs that will drive you mad, etc. show that this game is far from perfect. And there are people who really hate it, singling out all that is wrong with it; but I fell in love with Trilby, it's story and the whole mythos instantly. It's a good game, worth trying, if you can look past the fact that there are errors (which are fully understandable, as it was made in 2003 and all by one person). So, if you enjoy horror games, and want to experience a nice story, try it out!
Test Review Dave
Posted on: 2012-11-09 by Dave
Test Review Dave second build

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