Head over Heels

Far, far away from our star Sol lies the Blacktooth empire, an evil empire, four worlds enslaved by the planet Blacktooth. All of the slave worlds bubble with unrest, but due to the oppressive nature of their rulers they never reach boiling point, they all lack a leader to draw the masses op population together.

Blacktooth itself is not any better, a world rigidly controlled by its dynamic leaders for so long that the populace do not even think about revolution. The peoples of the neighbouring stars are getting very worried about signs of military expansion from Blacktooth and have sent a spy from the planet Freedom to see if he can push the slave planets into full rebellion by finding the crowns lost when Blacktooth took over. The creatures of Freedom are very strange in that they are formed from a pair of symbolic animals that have adapted to operate either independantly or, to their mutual advantage, join together as one - Head saddled on Heels, and indeed these ARE their names and both are highly trained spies.

So begins the story of Head & Heels, two of the most popular and successful atari characters ever made. ALL who have tried this game just once has been hooked for life. And finally.... now is the time to play the game once again. RetroSpec and Ocean have joined forces and they have made a windows remake of the game to pinpoint accuracy AND with better graphic!

What more could you ask for? If you have never tried this game before, let me just say that it is one of the most original Puzzle games ever created throughout the entire gaming era, and over ALL the gaming consoles! Head over Heels is one of the most unique and challenging games you will ever find.

The manual included in the file will tell you all you need to know about the game. I know you are going to love this jewel!

Reviewed by: Tom Henrik Download Head over Heels | Abandonia

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