Batman Forever

What is it about superhero games and games inspired by movies that tend to make them less than great? Is it that the developers take less time over them, or that they just don't translate very well? Whatever the truth, Batman Forever is a fun game featuring, as you might have guessed, that most iconic of DC superheroes - Batman.

Using some rather nice motion capture effects, Batman Forever sets you on a side scrolling mission not unlike Double Dragon where you'll face tons of henchmen plus some of the Dark Knight's finest enemies. Ok it's shallow fun, but it looks and plays a lot better than most side scrolling fighters and Gotham City looks suitably gothic and moody.

If you're a fan of the bat then you'll be pleased to learn that you can make use of a few of his special weapons, the bat-o-rang which has been with Batman from his earliest days is included and proves to be invaluable along the way. All in all I'd say this is an essential game for fans of Batman, and an entertaining game for everyone else.


Reviewed by: strangelove Download Batman Forever | Abandonia

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