PC Rally

In the old times, when almost everybody still used DOS, I was addicted to all racing games - just like this one. However, PC Rally falls into an average category.

There are three modes of play:

-Training: where you can practice and get used to the controls;
-Run Track: you just choose a track and run it (what a surprise);
-Championship: this one is for real, so let's talk a little bit more about it.

First thing to do in championship mode is to choose the difficulty setting: Easy, Medium or Hard. You will also have to pick a track where the race will occur. All tracks require that you complete 10 stages in order to proceed to the next one. After you made your choices, you'll have to pick up one of the two featured cars: Toyota Celica or Lancia Delta. You can also "upgrade" it if you got enough money.

The graphics are noting special for the time, as for a 1995 game they could be much better. The sounds are more noisy than enjoyable, especially at the game menu; however you can turn them off. As for the controls, you may choose the keys you want to use, which is a good feature. Now for the bad things: game play is quite bad because the car handling is unsatisfactory, or to be completely honest, its controling the damn thing is stressful to say the least. Another fault is the inexistence of a map showing your position in the track, so, unless you known the tracks very well, you can never tell when you're going to hit the end.

If you like rally games, then you will probably enjoy this one. I rate it with 3 out of 5.

The game runs smoothly in Windows XP; however if you want to hear sounds, you better use DOSBox or VDMSound

Reviewed by: bruno Download PC Rally | Abandonia

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