Basket Manager

Simulmondo was one of those game companies that I could never make their mind about. Some of their games are really bad, but some are quite good. The following game was made in 1990 and it is quite underrated. That's probably due to the lack of publicity. Still The Basket Manager is a game solid basketball simulator. It was preparing terrain for basketball games that were yet to come, and were more of arcade style (like Basket Playoff).

You task is to manage the team. This includes all the buying and selling of players, picking the game strategies for each individual match and naturally controlling the finances of the team. You should be really careful when buying veteran players. They are better, but you could run out of money to buy the rest of the players needed to build the team. The game is hindered, so it can’t offer any real players, because they didn’t have the rights to their names. But seeing how the main emphasis lies on management, it’s good to know you can compete against 3 other managers (either human or computer controlled). Also note that every player has different statistics, but they don't seem to make that much of a difference, when the teams are playing ball.

It’s a nice game and all sport fans will probably like it, but it does lack realism. It involves some management elements, but it has more arcade type gameplay. I guess it’s because Simulmondo was better at those kinds of games. So don’t look for realism, but you can expect some fun and good time.

After this short review, like the game that is short, I give this game 3.

You need to use DOSBox to play this game.



Reviewed by: bruno Download Basket Manager | Abandonia

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