7 Colors

Although Infogrames tright to make an action-packed battle for territory out of it, 7 Colors is simply a puzzle game riding along on the Tetris hype. Funnily enough, the game was also invented by a Russian, Dmitry Pashkov. The target is simple: try to gain control over the playing field, by filling all the diamonds with your color, before your opponent does it. 

It's a turn-based game which can be played against a computer or against a human player. It can even be played over a LAN or a serial link to another computer (not tested). Each player gets to pick a color out of the available 7 (which is where the game gets its name from naturally) and all diamonds of that color adjacent to you own diamonds become yours. Then, all your diamonds are turned into the color you chose. Sounds confusing? Play it for 3 seconds and you know what I mean. If you manage to create a link between edges of the playing field, you conquer the entire enclosed space and gain lots of territory. 

The game is pretty tough to beat (I haven't yet) and there are very many playing fields to choose from. Some are small, some are large and some have obstacles. If you ever manage to get bored with the available field, there's also an editor so you can create your own. All in all, this gives the game pretty much infinite hours of gameplay! 

The graphics are pretty decent, either in EGA or VGA. Control is either done by keyboard, mouse or joystick. If you pick the keyboard, player 1 has to use 'z' and 'c' to go through the row of colors and 'x' to select it. Player two uses the '1', '2' and '3' from the numeric keyboard. Music is cute and classical (three songs by Bach and one by Mozart) and tends to be a bit like the Tetris-tune. You'll be humming it all day after having played a couple of games... All in all, it's a solid game, with good quality graphics, sound and gameplay. Still, it's not quite as good as Tetris, Columns or BlockOut though, but it won't disappoint you.

Reviewed by: Reup Download 7 Colors | Abandonia

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