Empire II - The Art of War

Pretty much any strategy fan would say that Empire II - The Art of War is just another turn-based strategy game, and they are probably right. You move your soldiers, represented as squares with a little picture on them, around on a map and try to defeat your enemies. Units are generally divided into infantry, cavalry, or artillery, and you gain victory points for controlling roads and towns, or for defeating enemy units. You can change your units' formation to prepare them for combat or move them over long distances, and you can also order them to entrench themselves and gain a more defensive position. It's nothing any strategy game fan hasn't seen done before; strategy games like this aren't uncommon, and are most often seen in a Napoleonic or American Civil War setting

Empire II comes with a number of scenarios that can be played against the computer or with a friend online or in person. Unlike most games in the genre, the scenarios don't focus on any one war; instead, well-known battles spanning over a thousand years are represented, including Waterloo, Cannae, Guadalcanal, Agincourt, and Antietam. The commands available to the player are very basic and general so that they may suit all of the eras displayed in the game. If Empire II focused on only one or two wars, the game would have allowed for more complexity.

In addition to the historical scenarios, Empire II includes a number of sci-fi, mythological, and fantasy battles. Empire II also features a scenario editor which allows you to create a scenario of your own by making a map, choosing appropriate technology, placing units, and setting the conditions for victory.

Empire's graphics aren't bad at all, and the music is good enough if you just like to have some noise while playing a game. The sound effects are for the most part annoying, especially the one that sounds when you try to execute an illegal command. The game itself is easy to learn; there is a scenario called "tutorial" which was probably played while reading a guide made for it in the manual, as there is no active help during the mission, however in a few turns you should be able to understand how all of the commands work.

Reviewed by: einherjar Download Empire II - The Art of War | Abandonia

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