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tradiaz 31-12-2004 10:01 AM

Jazz Jackrabbit

i've got jazz1 legaly purchased lying arround, but i don't know if its abandoned,but i think so ,caus you have the 2nd part on your site.
well, how can i upload it?
it works with dosbox-0.63 and dosemu-1.2.2 with freedos.

wormpaul 31-12-2004 10:44 AM

We got this game already down..

But it`s not abandonned so we cant put it on the site :not_ok:

When it became abandonned it will come on the site, i got the review and screens already here :angel: (made before i found out it was still sold...again is HOTU making mistakes there)

Tom Henrik 31-12-2004 10:56 AM

The really weird thing is that Jazz Jackrabbit 1 is still sold, while Jazz Jackrabbit 2 is abandoned. Very peculiar, I know.

shawnmos 01-01-2005 05:13 AM

Weird. I was just about to post the same thing. If you need it I have the game too for when it becomes abandoned.

wormpaul 01-01-2005 11:27 AM

@ Shawmnos: Plz take other atavar...this is too confusing for me..

@game: we already got the game + review + screenshots.

We only need an abandonned status :ok:

elessar_84 21-02-2005 03:56 PM

Hey I know that you guys have Jazzjackrabbit 2 on your site and its a great game. But I was wondering if you could get the original Jazz Jackrabbit on this site. Im surprised that part 2 is on here but not the original. Ive only been able to find shareware version of the first one (you get like 6 levels or something). DO you think you get get the full game?

Im sure this game has been brought up before but there are too many topics to search through!

Thanks. :ok:

FreeFreddy 21-02-2005 06:22 PM

As far as I can remember, Jazz Jackrabbit 2 is abandoned, therefore it's available here for download. Jazz Jackrabbit though isn't, as weird as it might sound. Sorry pal, but I don't think this nice game will make it's way to this site in the next time yet. :(

BlackMageJawa 21-02-2005 10:08 PM

Jazz Jackrabbit 1 was recently ported to GBA, so that might have something to do with why that one isn't abandoned but the sequel (currently unavailable in any format) is.

elessar_84 22-02-2005 02:01 AM

Hey thanks anyways guys. But I actually was able to obtain the FULL version of Jazz Jackrabbit at another abandon site that you have mentioned on here. (Dont worry this site is awesome!) Also, out of curiosity, what makes a game officially abandoned? Does it mean its off the market or what?

Mentor 22-02-2005 02:13 AM

Officially, a game is abandonware if the company that created it, or the company that published it, no longer supports it. Some people'll tell you it's about age, but that's bull. It's based on support status. If the official sites of the publisher/creator no longer mention the games or mention support for the games, then they're abandonware.

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