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21st Century Entertainment Ltd. profile
ESA member:
background details
Location: United Kingdom

In 1991, Andrew Hewson renamed Hewson Consultants Ltd. to 21st Century Entertainment, and started to create some extremelly popular Pinball games.

Something few people are aware of, is that it was actually divided into two different companies. 21st Century Entertainment Inc. was the publishing devision and located in the US, while 21st Century Entertainment Ltd. created the games from their base in the UK.

Apart from sporadic updates from the UK, the two companies had little contact with eachother, and neither really knew what the other one did. Later in 1998, both companies suffered hard. The US devision lost one of their biggest suppliers in Canada, and the UK branch was in a producing slump. This entire year they had only produced a single game - Electronic Pinball. With 21st Century Entertainment Inc. having huge finacial troubles, they only wanted to put games with the best of quality onto the marked, and Electronic Pinball failed to meet that requirement.

This led to 21st Century Entertainment Inc. to look for other developers in order to survive, and 21st Century Entertainment Ltd. to file for bankruptcy. At the worst, 21st Century Entertainment Inc. was down to 2 workers - a part time Tech Support, and one employee working from home.

21st Century Entertainment Inc. is still alive today, but is no longer active in the gaming scene as can be seen on their webpage.

21st Century Entertainment Ltd. was also the home of Spidersoft. A company they created to launch some of their pinball games.
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