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Download Kings Quest II - Romancing the Throne

Kings Quest II - Romancing the Throne
344 kb


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Only a year after the first King’s Quest game, the sequel was released in shops all over the world. The game continues the story of Graham, who has fulfilled the quest given to him by the late King Edward and has been crowned king of Daventry. There is, however, one thing missing … a wife with whom to share his life. King Graham has looked everywhere for the perfect spouse, but so far he has not found his true love.

Then, one fateful day, his magic mirror tells him of a lady trapped in another dimension. King Graham falls instantly in love with the fair maiden and trades his crown for his old adventure hat. It’s time for another daring adventure. Once again Graham will travel the land in search of artefacts or people that can help him in his valiant quest. He needs to collect three stones in order to open a magical door and free his wife-to-be.

The game looks and feels much like the first game, but there are differences. For instance, the sequel understands more commands than KQ1.

Part of the King's Quest Series


Reviewed by: Tom Henrik / Screenshots by: Tom Henrik / Uploaded by: Tom Henrik / share on facebook

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