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Download Kings Quest III - To Heir is Human

Kings Quest III - To Heir is Human
423 kb


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In a departure from its predecessors, King's Quest 3 does not focus on King Graham. Instead you play a boy named Gwydion, who was kidnapped as a child by the evil sorcerer Manannan. Needless to say you must manage to escape from life as his slave … and you must do it quickly! Manannan has had two slaves before you; both were killed when they turned 18, and guess how old you will be very soon.

You must explore every corner of the house in search of forbidden knowledge that will help you get away from the sorcerer. This may sound easy, but believe me … it is NOT! King’s Quest 3 is probably the most difficult game in the entire series. Death comes quickly and unexpectedly in this game, to the point where it becomes annoying.

The game has some highlights too; for instance, the graphics are much better than in the previous two games. KQ3 still uses the same number of colours, but the designers have learned how to enhance their use.

An interesting note: King’s Quest 3 was the only game in the series to come equipped with a map … but the fans at the time objected to this, saying it made the game far too easy! (Remember that line when you get stuck in the game!)

Part of the King's Quest Series


Reviewed by: Tom Henrik / Screenshots by: Tom Henrik / Uploaded by: Tom Henrik / share on facebook

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