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Download Kings Quest IV - The Perils of Rosella

Kings Quest IV - The Perils of Rosella
2819 kb


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King Graham is getting too old for adventuring, and his health is failing him. Thinking about his condition, he decides to let the adventure hat pass down to his children Rosella and Alexander. As he tosses the hat toward them, his heart gives in to the stress … and only luck enables him to survive the heart attack, but Father Death is coming closer every second. Princess Rosella cannot bear to see her father suffer, and with the help of the magic mirror and a fairy queen called Genesta, she sets out on a quest to find a fruit with the power to save her father's life. And so the fourth King’s Quest begins.

In KQ4 we are once again back in Daventry with our beloved hero King Graham and his royal family. This time it is his daughter who will do the travelling. The game is filled with plots and twists from almost any fairytale you can possibly think of. Remembering these stories is a must in order to complete the game, as you will have to act according to them.

The graphics have taken a big step forward from KQ3, signaling that Sierra is still working on better graphical solutions. KQ4 was also the first game in the series to incorporate mouse control, but it is used only for movement. The game is fun to play and is filled with details for you to enjoy. So do just that. Enjoy.

Part of the King's Quest Series


Reviewed by: Tom Henrik / Screenshots by: Tom Henrik / Uploaded by: Tom Henrik / share on facebook

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