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Download Leisure Suit Larry 3 - Passionate Patti in Pursuit of the Pulsating Pectorals!

Leisure Suit Larry 3 - Passionate Patti in Pursuit of the Pulsating Pectorals!
2230 kb


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Larry has settled down on Nontoonyt Island with his wife, whom he married in the second game. He has a job and a house, and life is treating him well - until the day his wife throws him out, leaving him for a girl. Poor Larry! His world crumbles around him, and he falls into a deep despair … until he remembers that he is the one and only Larry Laffer! Join Larry as he once again goes out looking for female companions.

The game introduces a completely new feature in the genre: the ability to switch between characters in mid-game! This enables you to get more of Larry's story, and at the same time it is incredibly well done - a BIG step in the right direction! Larry is slowly becoming a great game!

There are a lot of useful things in the manual, cleverly disguised as ads and such, so you might want to look in there if you ever get stuck. As for the graphics, they are the best in the LSL series so far, as you would expect for the latest game. The music and sounds, however, are average. But the game is still fun for any fan of this genre.


Reviewed by: Tom Henrik / Screenshots by: Tom Henrik / Uploaded by: Tom Henrik / share on facebook

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