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Download Police Quest 2 - The Vengeance

Police Quest 2 - The Vengeance
1804 kb


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If you have played Police Quest 1, you will know how difficult it was to put Jesse Bains behind bars. The town was saved from the Death Angel terror, but the peace should not last… Jesse has broken out of jail with a hostage and a list over people he wants dead! Since it was you who put him behind bars, it is up to you to once again capture him and bring him to justice.

The game has improved a lot from the original game, both in terms of graphic and sound. The only thing I don’t like in this game is the driving… or rather, lack thereof. In the first game you drove the car yourself, but in this game it is automatic. So you loose the ability to cruise around aimlessly… One thing I do like, however, is the fact that you do not need to do a full check-up of your vehicle before leaving the station. This is a big plus, since it enhances gameplay greatly. Another plus is the option to use the mouse to move around with.

In other words… PQ2 is a great sequel to the first game, and a must if you liked that one!


Part of the Police Quest Series


Reviewed by: Tom Henrik / Screenshots by: Tom Henrik / Uploaded by: Tom Henrik / share on facebook

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