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Download Space Quest II - Vohauls Revenge

Space Quest II - Vohauls Revenge
425 kb


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Space Quest 1 was an even bigger hit than the King’s Quest series, so a sequel had to be made. This time the foul Sludge Vohaul wants to destroy the peace by unleashing a horde of genetically engineered insurance salesmen. This sinister plan must be stopped! Again it is up to Roger Wilco to save the day, and the rest of humanity as well.

This game relies on gags and humour to create a great game instead of a deep plot, just like the first Space Quest. If you have a keen eye when playing these games you will see people, places or landmarks that are taken from such titles as Star Trek, Star Wars and other great Sci-fi creations. The manual also contains a cartoon portraying the first game through the eyes of Roger Wilco. This cartoon is a very fun read, especially if you have completed the first game! Let’s just say that Roger looked at things a bit different than the rest of us…


Part of the Space Quest Series


Reviewed by: Tom Henrik / Screenshots by: Tom Henrik / Uploaded by: Tom Henrik / share on facebook

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