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Download Space Quest III - The Pirates of Pestulon

Space Quest III - The Pirates of Pestulon
1814 kb


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A whole year has passed since we last met our friend Roger Wilco the space janitor. This time he is not out to save the universe, he is out to save himself from becoming a silly second-rate cartridge arcade game! His creators (two guys from Andromeda) have been kidnapped, and only Roger can save them! Of course, he’ll need your help in order to accomplish this. The clock is ticking…

The real game starts when Roger has stopped for a quick meal at Monolith Burger, and sees the new and improved Astro Chicken Arcade Game. He quickly moves up to it and starts playing… until he suddenly sees an encrypted message from his two creators, in which they are pleading for help.

The game also includes colourful characters, like Arnoid the Terminator Annihilator who has been sent to set things straight… (Remember that slot machine you broke in Space Quest 1?) Well, Arnoid is here to make sure you never do that again! (Or anything else for that matter…)

The graphics and music in this game is excellent, not to mention the story which is both funny and good, making the game a valuable member of the Space Quest series.


Part of the Space Quest Series


Reviewed by: Tom Henrik / Screenshots by: Tom Henrik / Uploaded by: Tom Henrik / share on facebook

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