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Download Monkey Island 2 - LeChucks Revenge

Monkey Island 2 - LeChucks Revenge
6390 kb



Monkey Island 2 is the second in LucasArts Monkey Island series. It was made in 1991, two years after the first game was released. This game was a smash hit in stores, but unfortunately was the last in the series to be written and directed by Ron Gilbert. It was also the first game to use spit in a puzzle.

The story revolves around Guybrush Threepwood, who after besting LeChuck, went down in ruin and lost most of his money like a good red blooded American male. The rest of the money he is using to find a fabulous pirate treasure to Big Whoop. Every sailor who's gone in search of the fabled treasure has never returned or has died of mysterious circumstances. It is said that the fabled treasure is either a great hoard of moolah/dough or it is the gateway to the very threshold of Hades itself. Guybrush, armed with a fully grown beard and a weird hatred of porcelain, sets off the find the treasure. What he doesn't realize is that his old enemy, the new zombie incarnation of the ghost pirate LeChuck has been brought back from the dead and has new plans to destroy Guybrush.

The graphics in the game are AWESOME!!!! Where Monkey Island 1 bordered on the realistic, Monkey Island 2 was a cross between realistic and cartoonist. They were top notch graphics for the time, and they trounced over Sierra. The music is pretty good too. The music revolved around the 90s more than the first games music did as the music in this game was more rock than midi. My personal favorites were the theme song and Largo LaGrandes theme.

I liked this game as much as Monkey Island 1 and believe that it was a revolutionary thing to play back during the early days of PC games. Don't waste time, buy this gem as fast as you can.


Reviewed by: Kosta / Screenshots by: Kosta / Uploaded by: Kosta / share on facebook

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