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Download Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders

Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders
580 kb



This is the second of the amazing Lucas' series of the scumm system adventure games (and my very first click and point adventure game – in my view, that makes it my first real adventure).

You're a news reporter for a second rate tabloid, who has to write a story about a two-headed squirrel near Seattle. Oh, and since there has been an alien sighting there, you must check this out too. Only it turns out, that neither is a hoax. Both the squirrel and the aliens are real and it is up to you to stop them (not the squirrel the aliens – who want to make us all stupider than they are – not a really hard task I suppose).

And now, the fun part begins. After bringing back a priceless artifact (don't get caught with it, or off you go, to the brain emptier) you get to control not only Zak, but also three lovely ladies (a dream of every man)! Two of them await you on Mars, where they went instead of their planed trip to the coast.

You get to discover secrets like: Where was Atlantis? What was the Stonehenge really used for? What happened to »The King«?, and even, what do Yaks really think and do in their free time? You get to explore different locations around the globe, and you even get to be the first man on Mars (where you're greeted by two women).

All in all I'd give this game 5 out of 5, because of its great plot line and puzzles, as well as its great playability (before point-and-click you had to type every single word in the game). I also included a copy protection from the manual, because whenever you fly out of the US (I guess the rest of the world didn’t want any Americas leaving the US – the game was made in the time of George Bush sr.) you need an exit visa.

This game is not cracked, that’s why you must consult the charts which I provided – they are at the end of the walkthrough (which I wrote myself).

The game runs in WinXp and VDMSound (but has only PC speaker sound). In DosBox you have the full sound – if the mouse doesn’t work try shift + M and a mouse on message should appear!


Reviewed by: Sebatianos / Screenshots by: Paco / Uploaded by: Sebatianos / share on facebook

User Reviews

Posted on: 2015-01-13 by GKar

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