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Ozark Softscape profile
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From Wikipedia:

Ozark Softscape was a computer game programming team consisting initially of Dan Bunten, Bill Bunten, Jim Rushing, and Alan Watson. The company was based out of Little Rock, Arkansas and had profound success with a few of their early titles. Ozark Softscape had a publishing deal with Electronic Arts for several of its groundbreaking games including the following titles:

* M.U.L.E. (1983)
* The Seven Cities of Gold (1984)
* Heart of Africa (1985)
* Robot Rascals (1986)
* Modem Wars (1988)

In the early 1990s, Ozark Softscape left their partnership with Electronic Arts over a dispute to port some games to cartridge format for the Nintendo entertainment system. They began a partnership with Microprose to produce two more influential titles:

* Command HQ (1990)
* Global Conquest (1992)

Dan (later Dani) Bunten was arguably the driving force behind Ozark Softscape. A dispute occurred over creating a follow-up to M.U.L.E. with Sega in 1993, and the company dissolved. Dani Bunten and the others moved to different areas of the software industry.
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