Dear Abandonia visitors: Help us keep Abandonia free with a small donation. Abandonia is like an old gaming arcade with only original games. Abandonia helps you have fun four hours and years. If Abandonia is useful to you, please help us forget fundraising and get back to Abandonia.

When Abandonia was founded it was to collect and present all old games where the copyright protection had been abandoned, hence the term ’abandonware’ and the site name We are still keeping the site open and free and will appreciate your support to help it stay that way.

‐ Thank you from the Abandonia Team

We are trying to make it easy for people in every country to donate. Please let us know how we could make it easier for you.

Please give whatever you can to help us.

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Verfasst von Sievers am 20. Juni 2012 - 12:26.
Bärte, Bikes und Rock&Roll
Das ist euer Leben im Spiel Harley Davidson - The Road to Sturgis in welchem ihr als echter Biker mit eurem Chopper quer durch Amerika fahrt um am großen Bikertreffen in Sturgis teilzunehmen.

Eine Reise von etlichen hundert Meilen liegt vor euch und das Problem an der Sache? Das Treffen findet bereits in zehn Tagen statt. Also besser nicht lang trödeln, sondern aufsitzen, Maschine ankicken und nichts wie los Richtung Sturgis

posted by Sievers // 20-06-2012 // permalink
Ninja Casino Games

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