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3DO Company, The profile
ESA member:
background details
Location: Redwood City, California, USA

When the company was founded by Trip Hawkins in 1991 in Redwood City , California, under the name SMSG, Inc. Later that year it was changed to The 3DO Company. Behind the company stood other big names like Time Warner and Electronic Arts.

The idea was to create a new type of CD-based video system, called 3DO, to compete with SEGA and Nintendo. Unfortunately, the whole thing collapsed, with high sales prices for the console and low quality in games. And when Playstation hit the market 3 years later, the 3DO dream had crushed to the ground.

In a strange turn of irony, The 3DO Company gave up on their console and, instead, started to publish games for the Playstation, as well as other game platform.

A true example of "If you can't beat them - Join them!".

They used the money they aquired from these sales to buy Cyclone Studios, Archetype Interactive and New World Computing.

The 3DO Company is most known for publishing the popular Heroes of Might & Magic series, as well as the Army Men series.

Sadly, in 2003, after a series of downfalls and lack of proper management, The 3DO Company filed for bankruptcy. Their assest were scattered and sold to Microsoft, Namco, Crave and Ubi Soft.
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