Dear Abandonia visitors: Help us keep Abandonia free with a small donation. Abandonia is like an old gaming arcade with only original games. Abandonia helps you have fun four hours and years. If Abandonia is useful to you, please help us forget fundraising and get back to Abandonia.

When Abandonia was founded it was to collect and present all old games where the copyright protection had been abandoned, hence the term ’abandonware’ and the site name We are still keeping the site open and free and will appreciate your support to help it stay that way.

‐ Thank you from the Abandonia Team

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Digital Reality, Ltd. profile
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background details
Digital Reality is the oldest and most well known Hungarian game developer company. The founding core of the team started to work together under the name of Amnesty Design in 1994 and their first game, Reunion was released to Amiga 512 and PC in 1995. Later, in 1997, the name was changed to Digital Reality and they began working on the Imperium Galactica series. In the following years games like Haegemonia, Platoon and Desert Rats vs. Afrika Korps were made, which made multiple 90+% review ratings throughout the globe. Our titles took their place on the shelves of players in more than 60 countries of five continents. During the last 8 years the company had a constant and steady growth in the number of employees, the number of projects and the size of the projects. We base our work on the experience of the original team and add new view-points by constantly recruiting talented individuals. Currently the company is working on four projects with nearly 100 employees. Digital Reality is a company to recognize because of its well established background.
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Ninja Casino Games

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