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Download Buggy Ranger

Buggy Ranger
73 kb



A game from the Spanish developer, from back in the days of 4 color CGA graphics… Well, more or less computers used better graphics than that already in 1990, but it’s a conversation from Spectrum ZX, which although a fun little rubber machine, was never famous for it’s breath taking graphics.

It’s an interesting trip down the memory lane to say the least, but it’s a somewhat fun game too.

The concept is quite simple; you’re driving a vehicle through a city that looks like a battle zone. There are thing to shoot and to collect. Some you need simply to jump over.

But the twist comes in controls. Your Buggy consists of two parts. One is the car on wheels driving through the screen and the other is the rocket powered gun sphere. By pressing second fire button you launch it in the air and get to control it, shooting baddies all over the place. It’s great for combat, but the speed at which the screen is moving (it’s a sidescrolling game) depends on the speed of the buggy, which will simply keep constant speed until you resume control of it – or it hits something.

So you can either drive or shoot. There is an option to do both, but if you’re controlling the rover your maneuverability is greatly diminished.

Apart from CGA 4 color graphics I already mentioned the game also involves some sounds, which are not worth mentioning and some speech, which was always a nice addition with games that synthesized speech and didn’t have it recorded as a sound file, played through a player.

1)      The game archive is an IMG file. This means you need to run it through DOSBox and boot the image (boot c:\YOUR CHOSEN DIRECTORY\buggyr.img).

2)      Slow the game down to some 400 cycles.

3)      Since the game is in Spanish (not really big deal) this might be useful:

Main menu options:

F2. Define teclas = Define keys

F3. Pausa = Pause

F4. Continuar = Continue

F5. Comanzar = Start


Redefining keyboard settings:

Izquierda = Move left

Derecha = Move right

Abajo = Down

Arriba = Up

Disparo 1 = Fire button 1 (shooting)

Disparo 2 = Fire button 2 (launching)


Reviewed by: Sebatianos / Screenshots by: Sebatianos / Uploaded by: Sebatianos / share on facebook

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