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Download Bugs Bunny Hare-Brained Adventure, The

Bugs Bunny Hare-Brained Adventure, The
46 kb



Bugs Bunny, the one & only, my favorite cartoon character. I've played a lot games starring the most famous Wabbit, and I can say this one is the least interesting, although it’s not bad at all. 

You’re trapped in the tower of a big-headed mad scientist and your goal is (of course, by all means) to get the hell out of there by collecting keys and opening locked gates. It’s not as easy a task as it would certainly be for Bugs if this were a cartoon and not a video game: The mad scientist chases you but he is slow and is not a big threat to your furry health. Your main nightmare is his "minions". They are twice as big and every bit as much faster. These monsters look like big grim hearts that have legs with some kind of running shoes; you’ve probably seen them if you’re familiar with Looney Tunes cartoons.

Our puffy-tailed hero must be careful not to be caught by the mad scientist and his minions, and must avoid holes (this scientist has a pretty perforated tower if you ask me, but he doesn’t mind because he can soar above them :D). Bugs can collect instant potions for invisibility and levitation, and reducing potions, nitro-glycerine and ether to throw at monsters when the need arrives.

There is some kind of highscore but records are not kept anywhere (you can remember it and try to make it better next time). Points are received for collecting carrots and hitting monsters. You have three shots (lives) before gameover.

Sounds come from your motherboard so they aren’t numerous. Graphics are CGA, and look ok. They are certainly not astonishing, but you won’t mistake Bugs for heart-shaped monsters, that’s for sure.

Nice game for a little relaxed (if you’re not the kind of person who gets angry easily) playing in the afternoon.

Arrow keys are used for moving Bugs Bunny around and you throw potions with SPACE key (changing potion type is done with the ENTER key). The game runs fine in DosBox, no adjustments needed.


Reviewed by: BranjoHello / Screenshots by: BranjoHello / Uploaded by: BranjoHello / share on facebook

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