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Download Manhole

80 kb



In the land of Sozz, there is no shortage of manholes, but there is a different problem: nobody has ever bothered to close up these holes. It's your job to save Sozzians from falling into these and getting hurt. Your grandfather has left you the only manhole cover in the land, and you need to use it well.

As you are now familiar with the story of this game, it is time to get some information about how to play it. On each screen, called a street, you have four manholes to cover. By pressing the corresponding button, you are able to put the manhole cover over one of these holes. You need to keep each hole closed when someone tries to walk over it and also keep the water drops from falling inside. It sounds quite easy, but sometimes - even in the early stages of the game - you will have to move quickly, as the people often walk over multiple manholes nearly at the same time. On later levels there are some additional elements - people can get onto elevators or sliding floors - and that makes gameplay a bit harder.

Overall the game is not much fun, and the people’s habit of randomly appearing sometimes makes it impossible to cover all of the manholes. The game did not receive the lowest score, because I find the people quite funny and I enjoyed seeing who would come next. If you have nothing better to do or just want to test your reflexes, try it; otherwise, there are a lot of better games on Abandonia.


Reviewed by: bobson / Screenshots by: bobson / Uploaded by: bobson / share on facebook

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