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Download ImagiNation Network, The

ImagiNation Network, The
8645 kb



Let's talk about a very iconic game. The game I am talking about is INN (The ImagiNation Network), an online game that was massively popular during the 1990's. It was originally named TSN (The Sierra Network) but when AT&T took it over, the name was changed to INN. Then in 1996, AOL took it over and killed it; just like Neverwinter Nights. However, INN did last longer than NWN AOL.

The games include a Casino for Adults, and three online multiplayer RPG games that are so addictive and graphically enchanced that it left you wanting more; you can even play in teams with real people. The game also features a lot of games from Sierra (Boogers, Red Baron, Stratego, etc.). My favourite games are Boogers, a game where you move boogers to take other players' boogers in order to fill up the board; The Shadow of Yserbius where you gain levels by slaying monsters; Red Baron, a dogfight game where you try and shoot down the other airplane; and Stratego, a game where you try and find the other player's flag (at the moment this game is buggy and doesn't work well).

When you first connect, you make a "Profile" or "Persona": a digital character that is a representation of you. You can choose from loads of different hairstyles, clothes, glasses and loads more. You can then choose how good you are at games and your four favourite hobbies. Then you enter a password - enter any letters as the password system is redundant now, connect via IP, and you arrive at a map. A message shows you how many people are online... THEN THE GAMES BEGIN!

We can all play this game thanks to the guys at the Innrevival project, who managed to re-create the server for The ImagiNation Network, so a big thank you from us all! You used to have to pay MEGA bucks for this game; but because it is currently hosted on a IP server, it is completely free. Come in and join the fun. Try it; you might be suprised at how good and fun it actually is.

SKIP THESE STEPS IF YOU HAVE THE INSTALLER VERSION. How the get the game running: first, you need DOSBox. Then you have to find and edit the DOSBox configuration file. This is easy, and instructions can be found on the DOSBox wiki. Now go down to [SERIAL] and do what it says below (in the bracket):

Serial1=disabled (Change this line regardless of what it says to Serial1=modem)


Reviewed by: christhecoolboy / Screenshots by: christhecoolboy / Uploaded by: christhecoolboy / share on facebook

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