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Download Battles of Destiny

Battles of Destiny
891 kb



One of many strategy games released through QQP (Quantum Quality Productions), Battles of Destiny has many features that set it apart from the genre in its day.

The game takes place after a nuclear war, and you play as one of up to four factions fighting for control of the world. To start, you have twenty-one maps to choose from; once you choose your map, you are then able to choose the number of opponents, as well as their combat ratings, and the victory conditions for the game. The victory conditions allow you to specify the overall number of turns in the game or a winning score - or you can choose to have no limit at all, meaning that victory entails the total annihilation of your enemies. You choose whether players will start with 1, 3, or 10 cities, and the AI level for each of your computer opponents. Then, just give yourself a name and select the flag you would like to represent your faction, and the game is on!

The game itself offers many options. There are four ground units, three air units and twelve naval units to choose from. In addition, you can have your city focus on increasing its industrial level, which will enable it to create units more quickly; construct a radar station, which provides extended line of sight for your cities; and build missiles, which resemble cruise missiles, for a one-time shot at anything around your city.

With all these production and victory options, you can find yourself replaying Battles of Destiny many times to try different strategies.

The AI is capable, especially once you get into the higher difficulties. In addition, the game comes with a map editor, so if you find the maps provided to be not to your liking, you can create your own!

You'll find the answer key to the copy protection located in a text file within the game archive.


The game runs perfectly in DOSBox; only, sometimes it crashes to the C: prompt for no reason. This has nothing to do with DOSBox, as I remember that it happened when I played it originally.


Reviewed by: Dewfire / Screenshots by: Dewfire / Uploaded by: Dewfire / share on facebook

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