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Download Cross Country Canada

Cross Country Canada
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If you like riding trucks, loading cargo, food and gas once in a while, this is your game! Actually it's like an educational game, but with a simulation feel. So, what is this game all about?

You (the driver) drive a truck around Canada, loading and delivering cargo. But, as a normal truck, you can get flat tires, accidents, or run out of gas. So you have to think about shortcuts, ways to sleep less (or more, it's your choice) before going to the next city, where you have to think again. All by typing commands and stuff like "turn on truck", "eat", "get gas" and more... As players travel between the cities, they learn valuable skills such as problem solving, map reading, and decision making.

What caught my attention in this one is that you can take turns with another player on the same PC; I didn't try it but it can be good if you are going to play with a friend... or foe.

Anyway, it's like a text adventure game, but with more graphics. For CGA, good-looking ones.


The game tends to be difficult without these: the command lines. Check the Extras section for them.

How To Run the Game:

Just type at the prompt "CCAN" and press Enter.


Reviewed by: patryckslasher / Screenshots by: patryckslasher / Uploaded by: patryckslasher / share on facebook

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