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Download Ocean Trader

Ocean Trader
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Ocean Trader is an economic simulation game from the makers of Pizza Tycoon and is recreating all the risks and rewards of the modern world shipping trade.

You find yourself in the role of a global shipping company manager and you have widespread competencies: pick up and deliver commodities or accomplish freight forward businesses for other companies. You can also buy new ships, insure them, get loans, design new ships and trade with goods on a worldwide scale. On the world map you can find around 100 harbors with more than 30 different goods.

Towns have an individual production of some goods which will, naturally, be cheaper there then in towns without production capabilities. The demand for production goods will be higher there, and therefore you will be able to sell them for a higher price in those harbors. Prices will change if you constantly trade a single good to or from a town. You can also risk the depletion of quantities if you do this, so the key to a successful business will be constant studying of the market prices for goods across the globe.

The quantities you can transport at a time depending on the ship size and type; there are “Coastal Freighters”, “Freighters”, “Large Freighters”, “Refrigerator Ships”, “Container Ships”, “Bulkers”, “Tankers”, “Supertankers”, and “Passenger Ships”. Not all kinds of ships can transport all kinds of goods. Freighters offer most flexibility, but they can't transport goods such as f.e. fruits and foodstuff; this is where refrigerator ships come into play. Container ships cannot transport ores and Iron, whereas tankers can only transport oil. With such a variety, it will not be simple to optimize your trade routes and make your fleet function efficiently at all times.

The Ocean Trader’s graphics are consisting of beautiful SVGA paintings that are static, but very pleasing to the eye. The interface is simple, functional and easy to use. There are a lot of random events that can occur during transports, and these include, but are not limited to storms, UN embargos, striking dock workers, wars and sinking ships. Therefore, this game can be seen as the successor of Ports of Call, and adversary of the Ports of Call XXL project.

If you like Ports of Call you will adore Ocean Trader which is a Freight Shipping company simulation at its best. It’s a great game, having unfortunately some limitations in the later state when you have a lot of ships and small price differences between the ports.


Reviewed by: janm.l / Screenshots by: janm.l / Uploaded by: Smashgorand / share on facebook

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