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Download Jim Power in Mutant Planet

Jim Power in Mutant Planet
1006 kb



Jim Power is apparently the step-brother to Jill of the Jungle on her second cousin’s side. Jim Power: The Last Dimension in 3D is a side-scrolling platform game with superb graphics, simple gameplay and snappy music. You play as Jim jumping around to collect coins, keys and power-ups while avoiding a plethora of perils.

Controls are arrow keys to move left and right, Ctrl and/or up arrow to jump, Space to fire your weapon, and Alt to toss a smart bomb (single massive burst of firepower). A password system lets you continue at the beginning of the last level you reached (see caveat below).

That’s the good part, now for the bad part. The levels are extremely long and have mini bosses at various points; you are fighting a timer at the same time, forcing you to move a little faster than you might like. Even on “Easy” there are some locations where the elements are placed too closely together to allow a player of normal skill to navigate without getting hurt: get hurt three times and a life is lost. Once all your lives are gone you can choose to continue, but from the start of the level.

The end of the first level was never seen by me. I made it quite far, or so it seemed, but level simply continued. Another mild annoyance is the occasional moving platforms that zigzag and dance across the spike-laden pits, rather than just move in a straight line. Timing your jump is not easy in those scenarios, ensuring you die for nothing.

All in all though, Jim Power is a fine example of a fun side-scroller. You will play some action levels, à la Scramble, where you pilot a space craft instead of Jim. To sum it up: Jim Power is worth the energy (pardon the pun) it takes to add it to your collection!


Reviewed by: Taskmaster / Screenshots by: Taskmaster / Uploaded by: Taskmaster / share on facebook

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