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Download World Class Rugby

World Class Rugby
362 kb



World Class Rugby was made in 1992 by a company called Denton design, to put in a computerized game for one of the most important sports played throughout the Commonwealth countries, and to celebrate the world cup.

In this game you can play alone or with a friend, and you can use the keyboard or a joystick. In the main menu you can configure the game (change the level of difficulty you want to play, the match length - up to 20 minutes, or turn music on/off). I would suggest you leave the music on as it’s not bad and you can even hear the public and the referee, so try it before turning it off. You can also choose to change the points of the play finish with 5 points (normal) or 4 points. This game is good because you can also redefine the keys you want to play with, so you can select your favorite keys. The pitch where you will play can be changed too and you get various fields (hard, green, snow), which is another great option. This game gives you a chance to choose one of the 16 teams available, and after that you can pick the game to play: a friendly match, to a league game, or the world cup tournament.

To customize your team to your liking, you even get to select the colors of shirts, and you can also pick up your 11 players in the field. Don’t forget to see their stats, and see to it that the best ones are always playing. After all the choices are made, you are ready to begin the game. It is very easy to control the player on the field, because of what I explained before, you can change the controls, it is easy to play, and when the opposite team has the ball, you need to steal it, if you can’t do that, you need to block the man with ball. When you have the ball you need to do the opposite, you need to pass the balls between your players without loosing it, and afterwards try to make your man with the ball in the final part of the field. You also have the possibility to see the replays of the best plays on the field.

To the people that don’t know the sport, it almost the same as "American Football". This game needs DOSBox to run. This is a very good game so it deserves 4 points.


Reviewed by: bruno / Screenshots by: bruno / share on facebook

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