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Old 22-11-2006, 08:00 PM   #221

My drawing didnt wor


the spaces where deleted, so there you go

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Old 22-11-2006, 09:42 PM   #222

ohh i found out what the missing tech was it was the meatior destroyer after being on the a planet getting hit by them for a while your scintest come up with it, so im missing nothing they earthling come and attack heaps but they just break off from my army i have so many missile launchers it's immpossible to use them all on the attack but i dont need it as the bopard of missile launchers wipes them all clean, and i have so much cash it's not funny LOL

the way i did it was i made all my first collenies as high tech as possible and make the tax very high, and then leave it, and any new places i get i just dont bother
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Old 05-01-2007, 11:10 PM   #223

This game is an amazing game! One of my favourites, mostly from nastalgia probably. My brother got frustrated with the game, i had no manual but figured it out (with some trial and error LOL). I liked the story line, and the gameplay was simple but had some depth to it. Overall i really like and recommend this game.
Its funny i told ppl about this game, and tried to buy it, but no luck its like it didnt exist. This is my new favourite website.
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Old 09-01-2007, 03:33 PM   #224
Forum hobbit

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I finally finished this game, after 10 years of waiting. But i used the well known solution by OrinThomas, found here:
But i just thought that it was a little too unspecific.

So i have made a revised version of it. Were ive added all the things i found useful to finish the game:

What i have added is in italic


version 1.01


Orin Thomas

Revised by Narkooegle

Part One : Beating the Morgals.
One A) : How to Attack.
Part Two : Defeating the League.
Part Three : Reunion with Earth


Try to hire the middle people as advisors. The cheaper ones are basically useless – though you at some point later in the game have to have all the top-advisors . But when you have the money, then first and foremost upgrade the scientist and the fighter. It is generally cheaper to upgrade the scientist than to retrain him 4 times.

From the start of the game, you should constantly think of minerals and credits. Credits you get from more tax and more people on your planets. Minerals you get from placing many Mines and Derricks (for Detoxin) on your planets quickly – but not higher than 9, that is the capacity of the planet. But with the mines, it is imperative that you buy as many minedroids as you have mines, and place them in the mines - because the mines does not yield much minerals without the droids. When it is possible, then make mining-colonies on other planets and moons (especially those with many resources that you can use). Also colonies are preferable, if it is a planet with the most useful minerals (planets with the minerals: Energon, Texon and Rainium are preferable). Jades Moon Russel is one of these planets/moons.

To contact the Jenossians, as soon as the planet Jade becomes visible to your astronomers send a TRADE group there. (not a satellite carrier).

The Jennosians will make contact with you, but you have to invent the translator to talk to them. When the translator is invented The Jennosians will offer you an improved trade ship. Later they will offer you an artifact for a price. Take it. It turns out to be a hyperdrive unit. When they contact you about helping them fight the morgals agree to help. There is not much that you can do, but they
then give you the plans to the Hunter and the Laser Cannon.

Start building as many Hunters as you can.

If you have about 10 Hunters and the middle "fighter" advisor, you should overcome the first morgal attack – though you should keep in mind that you should get the top-military-advisor as soon as possible.

When the Morgals kill off the Jennosians send a trade group to Jade and land on the planet. This enables you to find a radio transmitter that is helpful later on.

To defend your planet, put all of the fighters in the New Earth Defence Force group. This means that they will defend your planet. But don’t place troops and fighters in your colonies, they will never get attacked anyway. Generally you should constantly think about producing war-material. Transport as much mineral, get as much credits you can, and then simply use money and minerals constantly on fighters, troops and tanks!! It is very important.

When you can, build a galleon and send it to the Pheonix System, planet three. You will meet with the Kalls and some sort of alliance is formed.

When Pheonix Five becomes visible do the same thing. This time you will meet the Phelonians, they will offer you 100.000 for 10.000 Energon, this you shall refuse. Instead you shall ask for something else for the 10.000 Energon. This turns out to be the plans for a Tank, which gets very important in invasions later on.

Try to set up a base on Pheonix Two. You will lose it due to radiation sickness but this allows you to develop the radiation shield. Set up another colony on Pheonix two, this time with the R-shield. Set up an observatory and you will find the planet pheonix-one. Send a trade ship there and you will capture a Morgal ship in distress. Tell them that the Kalls are fighting them and then let them go – this is very important for your survival!

Doing this forces the Kalls to begin fighting the Morgals. Otherwise they ally themselves and you are attacked by both. (they also kill the phelonians). This must be done before Nov 2928

You can survive past this date but from here on in the Morgal attack forces seem to grow faster than you can produce defence forces. Also, their military advisor becomes more competent, making it harder for you to win.

When you get the opportunity send a satellite carrier over to planet 2, moon 2 of the Mirach system and scan the surface. This gives you more technology.

You have to keep building military hardware to survive. Use the function to “Fast-Forward” by clinking and holding down on the date in the upper right corner. This way you can avoid getting bored by waiting for your army to build up.

The Morgals attack your home planet with regularity. The only way I have found to overcome them is to invade their home planet (Mirach 3). When you destroy their home planet, all the colonies go as well! You will need several units (1 unit = thirty tanks/troopers) to take Mirach 3. When you
launch your ground assault the Kalls also join in to help.

When defeating the Morgals you have to have a special mind-set. Patience and boldness is very important. The strategy you should use, I compare with a famous battle from World War 2: El Alamein. You have to see yourself as the cautious Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery who fought the clever and bold Field Marshal Erwin Rommel. The Morgals constantly makes small bold attacks against you. And as Montgomery you should be defensive, build up your forces, and only attack when you are sure that you have more Fighters, tanks and Destroyers than the enemy.


I have received a surprising amount of mail asking how to attack. Here is an example of what you do to attack.

Okay, you need to create an army group. Select new group and then click with the mouse until it says army. Name it whatever you want (mine was always STARFLEET). Now shift all your military assets into this group.

The first screen will hold Hunters, Fighters, Destroyers and Eventually carriers. On the Far right is a red arrow pointing down. Click on this and you will come up with a similar screen. But here you can put Troopers, Battletanks, (eventually) Aircraft and Missile Launchers.

Once you have put together the equipped group take off. Wander over to a morgal planet. (lets say jade for this example.) Don't land! Okay, you arrive. Click on the "planets" icon. You should see a
representation of the Jade system. Over in the right you should see a picture of a planet with a RED arrow around it. (your fleet). Click on your fleet and then the attack icon should appear.

You will not need as many starfighters/hunters/destroyers as you might think. All you have to do is take out the space forces on Mirach 3. The hardest part of taking any planet is the ground battle. When doing this, remember: THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS AN OVERKILL!


When you defeat the Morgals you find the co-ordinates of three more systems. Two of these systems contain an alien alliance called "the League". As soon as you turn up in a trade group to a League planet the whole League decide decide to attack you. So it is a good idea to wait a little, before entering the systems with a trade or army-group. Just to rebuild your forces. Explorer-units are fine, though.

In some versions of this game you are asked some question about the game. It is a copy protection. The question could be: “When did Explorer 2 leave the solar-system?”, this was 2616 – or “When was Explorer 1 reported missing?”, this was in the year 2589, which has to be typed into the copy-protection. You can find all these answers in the intro or the manual.

After having the same problem with the League that I had with the Morgals I loaded a game where I had just defeated the Morgals but hadn't explored the three new systems. I then made up an army of about 450 tanks, 50 troopers, 20 Destroyers, 200 Starfighters and 100 Hunters. (this took a
A good and useful strategy is to use a satellite-carrier to explore the 4th solar system. On the only planet you can build a colony, you build a colony. For this you need the best builder. The colony should NOT be big in any way. All the colony needs is an observatory. This observatory will discover that the sun in that solar system is unstable and will collapse into a supernova within a few days –destroying the whole solar system. At this moment a memner of the league, The Erans, will contact you. They live in the 4th solar system, and wants you help to evacuate and save their whole race. This you shall accept, because they are in dept to you. You can use the Erans to easier destroy the league. The Erans are shape-shifters/changelings, you can use them to create turmoil in the League – which makes them easier to conquer. But you can first make use of the Erans once war is declared between you and the League. Use the Erans special powers to make one from the league join you. This should be the race Undorlings, because this race gives you new Weapons-technology, namely Aircraft-technology, which is useful in the ground-invasion.

I then, using my satellite carriers, located the "League" worlds, and, using the spy in "local", worked out each race's main planet and their military-strength. I then took my army group in and destroyed the league.

The Morgal that appears in the bar is useful for finding minerals and war-material – he will get a share in the spoils though.

When you destroy the League you will find the new Rigel System.


When you explore the Rigel System you find some interesting stuff on the first planet. This enables you to develop some new technology: Carrier-technology (a carrier costs 340.000 credits!) and mental-Radar Technology. The mental-Radar Technology finds a new metal-planet with a new and friendly race (Syonians).

The Syonians reveals to you what actually happended to Earth, why you are in exile. They also give you the co-ordinates to the sol system (Earth) . Again I decided to build up a force (this time with the newly invented missile launcher – which is VERY useful). Also it is an idea to arm your destroyers with the plasma cannons.

I then, after I had built up my force, sent in my spy-satellite group and scanned planet earth. As soon as I had detected an alien presence there, I sent in my army group. The earthlings declared war (what else?).

Build about 80 missile launchers for the last battle (you can ONLY filed 80), and of course rebuild the battle group from last. Attack the Earth Directly – forget the troop-concentration on Europa, Mars and the Moon. The Earth had about 80 hunters, 60 Fighters, 4 Destroyers, 3 Cruisers, 30 troopers, 60 tanks, 50 aircraft and 30 missile launchers when I initially attacked them. But it didn't matter; I had more, so I kicked their butts and reunited the Earth!


Revised by narkooegle
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Old 10-01-2007, 01:47 AM   #225
Abandonia nerd

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whew, finally got this game running, but it seems a bit overwhelming. It looks fun, but I'll have to give it some more time. I'm glad to see all of these 4X games getting more attention here. It seems the mid to early 90s produced a ton of quality space strategy games, and i'm enjoying playing them all again or discovering new ones.
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Old 10-01-2007, 03:39 PM   #226

Err... it's just me or this game is not available anymore? :\
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Old 10-01-2007, 03:48 PM   #227
The Fifth Horseman
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CD-Access has four copies in stock. Therefore by our own rules that means we cannot:
1. put it up for download on Abandonia
2. provide you with links to any source of download
3. send you the archive through e-mail or instant messengers

"God. Can't you people see I'm trying to commit a crime against science and nature here?"
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Old 11-01-2007, 03:13 PM   #228

Okie, thanks for the reply.
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Old 12-01-2007, 12:39 AM   #229
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The site says that its all sold out now
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Old 12-01-2007, 09:14 AM   #230
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I just checked - still 4 in stock, no "sold out" message.

"God. Can't you people see I'm trying to commit a crime against science and nature here?"
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