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Download Mine Bombers

Mine Bombers
1046 kb



Do you remember Indiana Jones, or Tomb Raider? (YEAH, Angelina Jolie :P )
Well, then you know, treasure hunting is no easy task. And it’s much more complicated if more treasure hunters are after the same jewels. This is the case in Mine Bombers, where you are one of them.

Mine Bombers is the best head-to-head game I've ever seen amongst early 386's games. I remember playing this game on my fist computer, a 386DX with 4 Mb RAM. I called my friends over and we played until we were knocked out from exhaustion. Mine Bombers is still so much fun to play. I experienced a big load of nostalgia when I launched MB.EXE again after 10 years. :)


The first thing you will notice in the title screen, that this is the registered version of the game. Skitso Productions officially released Mine Bombers as a registered freeware not a long time ago. Thanks guys!

You can play the single player levels or you can compete against up to 4 of your friends on the same computer (there is no LAN or internet play available).
You start the game by buying mining equipment and weapons from the funds provided. Then you can take on the single player levels and hunt treasures while avoiding or killing monsters, flipping switches and digging through mazes.

The multiplayer is the cream of this game. You can compete against friends and hunt treasures or each other in a huge, random generated arena. You can turn yourself into a living excavator and get the treasure before your opponent does, or you can become a killing machine and hunt the fellow miners for their already gathered treasure. One way or another, you will have a good time guaranteed.
After the turn ends, you can spend your hard earned money to buy even better mining gear or more lethal arsenal, and battle it out in the next turn.

The arsenal is huge. Over 25 things are on the table. Little bombs, big bombs,
C4 plastic bomb, poly urethane bomb, nuke(!), napalm and much more. You can read the description of each weapon in the info menu of the game. Needless to say, you can wreck some pretty havoc with those babies :D

You can progress in the mine by using your hands and pickaxe. You digging speed is determined by the number of pickaxes you have. You can increase your digging speed by buying pickaxes or power drills in the shop. The more you have, the faster you will progress in the mines. You will need that speed when you are off to get out of the nuke's blast radius :D

The game's goal can be set in the options menu. Either the player with the most money or the player with most wins takes it all. You can set many other things in the options menu.

In addition, there is a level editor attached to the registered version. You can create your own levels and share it with friends.

Graphics, Sound and Controls

The graphics are awesome. The tile screen is great and the game itself is very well made. But a few people will need glasses because the things on screen are pretty small to see, even for somebody with good eyes.

The music is absolutely awesome! Olli Attila, the musician of the game named the genre "Postmodern Jazz" and he got a point there. A combination of jazz, techno and rock, unbelievably fits this game. I kept listening to the songs in Winamp after I was tired of the game. Two thumbs up to Attila!
The sounds are cool too, but nothing fancy. Bomb blasts, death howls and monster groans. Not bad.

The controls can be set in the options menu, but I DON'T recommend playing the game with more than 2 players.

Technical issues and Compatibility

I said I don't recommend playing the game with more than 2 players. You won't fit to the keyboard! And most of the systems cannot handle more than three simultaneously pressed buttons.

Final Words

All in all, Mine Bombers is the best head-to-head action game from the golden era. You won't have a second of boredom with this game. You and your friends will have a great time trying to blow each other to smithereens :D

Download and enjoy

The game runs fine with DosBox, but be sure to set up the sound correctly. If your set the bit rate too high, the game will slow down to an unplayable level.


Reviewed by: Playbahnosh / Screenshots by: Playbahnosh / Uploaded by: Playbahnosh / share on facebook

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